Sunday, May 10, 2009

Sally... blah

Holden refers to Sally a lot. He went to a show with her and even, for a split second, considered getting married to her. That is a little bit crazy at his age, if you ask me, but oh well. He calls her when he's drunk and he thinks about her a lot. Even though he got in a huge fight with her on the date, he liked her a lot. It was weird how it started out with her being the most beautiful thing he's ever seen to a Royal pain in the ass.

I was a little disappointed to see that Sally was the first person that Holden actually confided in. I think that that night he was really getting depressed from the altercation with the prostitute and the hotel guy and all, that he needed to tell somebody what he's been keeping inside. She was completely unsupportive. But, for some reason, I can see where she's coming from. To her, things like phonys never crossed her mind. She never had anyone that we know of that she compares everyone in her life to to see if they're a good person. She, unlike Holden, does not have standards set that every new person she meets has to live up to. She doesn't understand why Holden is freaking out about his school and the people there. She never had a real problem with the people in her school so she cant really relate where this is coming from. This is all already a shock to her when Holden suddenly throws getting married out on the table. She is in no position to get married right now and she wants to let Holden know that they have their whole futures together to worry about things like that. Holden disagrees, he thinks that there is no point in school and that there is no reason for going to college just to get the job that pays enough money to buy a car you want. He thinks that there's more to being happy than just having the big house and the shiny new car that you just bought. They have entirely different views on how they want to live their lives... that is why they just don't get along too well.

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